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- i update these blogs almost everyday ................ sharmishtha basu (25.12.2010)

In the end, i always request my regular readers to just once read this blog post:

Friday, July 17, 2009


Feeling of being cherished… this is what most of the average human beings look forward to. Just look inside your soul, you will notice this truth.

We fall in love to be cherished by a person we admire, we make a friend because we cherish his company and hope that he does the same.

Even though my friends often contradict on this point with me, they often say that love, affection should be unselfish. One should not expect any thing from a friend etc etc. I don’t know whether they can really follow these in real life or they just say it to make themselves look good I have completely failed in judging the truth in their point of view, because I have often observed that these people demand the maximum amount of obedience from their mates. Not only that, I have seen that only noncommittal people say these things. So, their words and actions conflict. I personally believe that people who are committed will always expect or hope for commitment from their object of affection or love. As they are giving out their best why shall they compromise for some thing less?

They don’t have any confusion about their intention, they know it very well and clear that they will love and cherish their partner till the end, if every thing moves the way it is moving now, so, why shall they not expect the very same in return?

Even if we observe animals we will see when they are together, if one of them licks the other, or preens the other the second one too starts doing the same, if not the first one nudges its mate, and if it is unresponsive he also stops. That means it’s a basic instinct to expect love in return of love. There is nothing to feel guilty in it.

I have once read a poem, I have forgotten the name of the poet but that poem left an everlasting impact on my mind, it said some thing like … if you love me don’t be silent, tell me now, because there will be enough silence once I am in my grave… I too believe that, we are blessed with only one life, hence why not spend it sharing affection and warmth? Giving love and having it in return. If the object of our affection does not feels affectionate towards us why shall we not move on and look for some one who will feel affectionate towards us? This is one question I have always pondered on, and have decided after becoming worldly wise that we should move on. Because to get love one must love. Its better to share love than waste one’s life with an unloving, uncaring person and regret later.


  1. Wonderful post Agnitrisha, and I absolutely agree with you.
    I admit for a time, especially after reading some works by Leo Buscaglia, that I believed that what they say was possible. I worked toward that goal, to be that kind of selfless person in my affection for others -- and I must admit it is a noble goal, however an impossible one.
    In a perfect world, with perfect people, yes, this would be the ultimate goal. But, alas, we are human, and therefore will never be perfect. We do love, hoping and expecting love in return.

  2. Dear QWR,

    Yes, i was like that in childhood, actually even after the twenties. so, i have learnt it from my practical experience, that love needs love, trust and respect in return to survive.

    glad that you too share my views.
