Dear friends, Just wanted you all to know that I DONT USE FACEBOOK, ORKUT, SKYPE OR TWITTER most probably will never do that either........

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i update these blogs once every month.,;
- i update these blogs almost everyday ................ sharmishtha basu (25.12.2010)

In the end, i always request my regular readers to just once read this blog post:

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Learning lessons

There are two common ways of learning a lesson. First is the way eklavya learnt it, by seeing others getting trained, and the second way is the way Arjuna learned, directly by getting directly trained. Majority follow Arjuna’s path.

Now, those of you who don’t know the story of Eklavya let me brief it for you. It’s a mythological story in India. When Kaurava and Pandava’s were having their training in warfare from Dronacharya Eklavya used to see them. By that observation he learnt warfare a far better than any of Kaurava or Pandavas.

That’s what happened in real life too. Some of us learn from the lessons of other people and manage those situations in life with more expertise. And some people prefer hands on experience in place of learning by observation and honing one’s skill by oneself.

Being a learner I prefer learning from every thing. Direct or indirect ways. It’s true that we can’t blindly trust or follow others but we can keep their experiences in mind, at-least give them the benefit of doubt that they are truthful and their experiences genuine. We can never say, even the most weird things can turn out to be true. In that case if we blow them away we will easily slide in the trap when we face those circumstances. But if we give them benefit of doubt, high chances are that we will be saved from those traps.

Loved ones

A friend of mine forwarded me a message today. A wonderful message as always. His messages are filled with most beautiful words. Full of love and wisdom.

I loved one quote in particular, that said that always leave a loved one with a sweet word. You may be seeing them for the last time.

It’s so true, is not it? We often leave our loved ones with anger in our heart. Then things go wrong and we regret later. Sometimes for the rest of our lives. For saying those angry/bitter words.

Its love that makes the world go around. People who love us should be treasured, so this is the least we can do for them. Leave them behind with a warm handshake or hug.


Some of the things which we human beings have inside us are branded as vices- ego, anger, cruelty, ruthless practical sense are some of them to mention.

Are they really vices? Or they become virtue with situation? I think the latter is the truth. These things may be vices for one situation and a treasure in second situation.

Ego- hmm, one of the worst vices, right? What if someone manipulates your softness and sweetness to insult you? To bulldoze all over you mercilessly again and again? Met too many of them in my not very long life. These people don’t dare to open their mouth in front of an egoistical person or vengeful person. Fearing the lash-back they so very well deserve.

Anger- another bad emotion. Really?? What about the dialogue Halle Berry said in X-men part II? I vibe so well with that dialogue- sometimes it helps you to survive.

Cruelty- what about a lioness killing the hyena when it attacks her cub?

Ruthless practical sense – this is something really good, people who possess it never fly too high, but they never fall too hard either. I prefer having this vice, even though it acts against ecstasy and sky high ambition.

Pixie A free bird

Today (26.04.10) I took the final decision, to leave him alone. I have set him free. Its dark outside and he is happily chasing a mole outside my window. I can hear the poor rodent squeaking and only a dumb kitten chases a mole. Cats are too smart to waste time after them.

I took the decision yesterday. He escaped through the kitchen window in the morning.

I thought he is gone for good. But a few minutes later I saw him running like crazy, frightened outside my window, so… I had to go out and rescue him. He fought tooth and nails (literally).

He escaped one more time through the kitchen window and two times I pulled him back right on the nick of time. After that I closed the kitchen door.

He spent the whole evening crying piteously. It resembles so much to crying babies that I decided that he will have to go.

After clearing my conscience I liberated him in the morning. After that he has showed up only twice.

Once panting piteously, being chased by another cat. And second time an hour or so ago. Just to take a peek inside I guess. His body language says it loudly that he wont be staying. I am happy that he is happy outside.

Well right now he is in, sitting in the window in a very foul mood. As he doesnot understand human language he did not understood the promise I made to him, I will let him out in the morning again. So he is sitting in the window in a very sulky mood.

He scampered in just a few minutes before a storm and sharp rain (Yippy for the rain).

Guess God gave me the sign too, after sending us relief from scorching heat. I felt like a demon all evening last evening.

pixie A bird in cage

He is a tiny angel. But this is one thing which really hurts me sometimes. Cats are not fully domesticated as dogs, so they love to roam around but after a nasty incident of a abscess in his tummy I studied on internet that cats can die out of them, and they can be caused by scratches or bites of other animals. So I decided that I will keep him indoors. I did not want him to steal from neighbours either.

That tiny creature is desperate to go out and roam on his own. He tries every possible way.

My windows are all netted, but there is a small opening in each of them so I can lock the windows from inside. That’s enough for a kitten to crawl out, he used it merrily till I sealed them with cardboard.

Last night I heard a strange sound from kitchen, and caught him just a second before he was exiting. You should have seen his outrage.

I wonder if I am doing the right thing, I just don’t want him to go out and kill himself. There are too many cats, dogs and human beings outside.

Anyone looking for an introduction about pixie can check the blog url

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Pixie the local toughie

I don’t think he weights half a kilogram. But you should see his attitudes. Its so hard to resist giggles when he is at it.

He rolls his eyes (they are awesome) glares at me and tries to scare me. Whenever he thinks that I am crossing my limits.

He is sprawling on the bed, if I put down my palms on it he rolls his eyes, snorts and pounces on me. These days his nails don’t come out. He is slowly learning that. They are all playful way of intimidating a woman who is about hundred times as big as him I guess.

He hides behind the curtain and chases me if I look for him.

The funniest thing happens in dark, during power cuts he becomes a joker, pouncing on me from weirdest places.

I love it when he puckers his tiny mouth, rolls his eyes and snorts to scare me.

Anyone looking for an introduction about pixie can check the blog url

Friday, April 2, 2010

Religious pixie

My tiny pixie is getting hyper religious day by day. It’s a must for me that I will worship twice a day.

I spread a mat in front of my altar and offer my prayers.

Pixie never liked it because it’s quite a time consuming affair. Earlier he used to disturb me to no end, pouncing on me; trying to make me play with him… the list is never ending

Since last eight or ten days he has changed his way. Now the moment I spread the mat he pounces on it and starts to play with it. As a result I end up sitting on the floor offering my prayers while he bites and rolls with the mat.

Anyone looking for an introduction about pixie can check the blog url