Dear friends, Just wanted you all to know that I DONT USE FACEBOOK, ORKUT, SKYPE OR TWITTER most probably will never do that either........

Blogging is my hobby, i write because i love to write, till date I HAVE NOT USED MY BLOGS FOR ANY COMMERCIAL/BUSINESS PURPOSES. IF I DO IT IN FUTURE I WILL LET YOU KNOW.

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i update these blogs once every month.,;
- i update these blogs almost everyday ................ sharmishtha basu (25.12.2010)

In the end, i always request my regular readers to just once read this blog post:

Monday, May 24, 2010

Crime and thereafter

We all make grave mistakes, which sometimes may degrade into crime. If we don’t repent and make up for the mistake. For example, I drank up-to my throat and struck someone down. If that person was dead then I have committed the crime before realizing it. But if that person was still alive and instead of taking him to hospital I escape- I create a crime out of a deadly mistake.

In the first case or second case if the person realizes his mistake and tries to compensate as much as he can; I personally believe that cleans his slate in front of God a lot. The family members or loved ones may not forgive him but God sure will. His tears of repentance and acts of repentance will sure reach Her.

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