Dear friends, Just wanted you all to know that I DONT USE FACEBOOK, ORKUT, SKYPE OR TWITTER most probably will never do that either........

Blogging is my hobby, i write because i love to write, till date I HAVE NOT USED MY BLOGS FOR ANY COMMERCIAL/BUSINESS PURPOSES. IF I DO IT IN FUTURE I WILL LET YOU KNOW.

Those of you who are my friends and want to leave some message for me can use my email id or better my blogs:;,;;
i update these blogs once every month.,;
- i update these blogs almost everyday ................ sharmishtha basu (25.12.2010)

In the end, i always request my regular readers to just once read this blog post:

Friday, March 5, 2010


I don’t know how many of you agree with me. Because it seems the trend lately. The more shocking language you use the smarter you are called. But it really feels like the pip of orange to me, which if accidentally comes under the teeth ruins the taste of the orange and I have to spit it out of them mind often along with the orange. Or the rotten piece of nut will be the more appropriate answer I guess. You pick up a handful of nuts and start to chew them, suddenly your entire mouth fills up with awesome smell and taste-you have to spit the whole thing out.

I have seen sadly, that reputed writers or artists often give in to this trap. They thing that to reflect power one have to be coarse, obscene or vulgar. Shock is not display of power. Any way, what use is the power which throws away instead of attracting?