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- i update these blogs almost everyday ................ sharmishtha basu (25.12.2010)

In the end, i always request my regular readers to just once read this blog post:

Saturday, February 27, 2010

A sweet responsibility

Well I am the backstreet driver in this lane. I sheepishly admit that I have handled children quite a lot but with minimal responsibilities. But, then again, any parent who is bringing them to earth should be the one realizing the golden truth, that they should not be brought to earth just for the fun of it. One should acknowledge the responsibilities too.

Children are not pets, toys or robots. They won’t grow up within a year and become absolutely independent. They won’t sit and stand up as per our order. They will certainly act like live beings and live beings with free will. I have seen that the parents who get most exasperated with children are the ones who themselves forget these points. So, who should be blamed? The children or the parents?

I believe that children under five years of age should be handled delicately and with extreme patience. They should be guided to the proper ways of behaving but always remembering that they don’t understand what we say. So harshness should be strictly avoided and extreme patience should be practiced. Yes, once in a while a soft reprimand is required (sometimes they really drive people crazy) but it should have to be soft.

After five up-to moving out of the shadow of parents the children should be firmly guided. Not ordered around or nagged. They certainly need guidance but nagging will only make them rebellious. I really don’t know why parents nag or use sarcasm to their own children. Does it not reflect their own weakness of personality? I have noticed myself that children very clearly understand words spoken to them and they are over eager to obey to elders till they reach their teenage. But if a child is properly guided till his or her teenage then handling a teenager is not much problem to the parent. None of my nephew or nieces or siblings was rebels. Why?

Nagging or sarcasm is the worst poison for any relationship. A child should be taken as a sweet responsibility for twenty years to come. If you are not keen for that long a project you should not have one. Why bring a child into a being when you cant give a life to him or her?


  1. Thanks for sharing your views in bringing up a child. I also agree that if someone or a family is not ready to handle the responsibility of a child for as long as 20 years or so, he/she or the family should not try to have a child of their own.

  2. Absolutely true! one should not enjoy the pleasure of having a child of their own, if they are not ready to bear the responsibility.

  3. dear rutha,
    yes. i believe it from the core of my heart.
    with warmest regards,

  4. dear shankha,
    where have you vanished? stuck up in career and family life?

    if a person cant love and take necessary responsibilities, then he should not have a child. i am a firm believer of it.

    we dont have any right to gift a person a miserable life.

    with warmest regards,

  5. Yeah! Sort of. Actually I am enjoying my time in a different way these days. Watching cartoon with my daughter.

    Also about the upcoming responsibility to arrange good education for my daughter is pushing me these days to refrain from thinking anything other than her future.

    Hope, I shall get more time to think and write, once I shall be able to admit her in a good school.

