Dear friends, Just wanted you all to know that I DONT USE FACEBOOK, ORKUT, SKYPE OR TWITTER most probably will never do that either........

Blogging is my hobby, i write because i love to write, till date I HAVE NOT USED MY BLOGS FOR ANY COMMERCIAL/BUSINESS PURPOSES. IF I DO IT IN FUTURE I WILL LET YOU KNOW.

Those of you who are my friends and want to leave some message for me can use my email id or better my blogs:;,;;
i update these blogs once every month.,;
- i update these blogs almost everyday ................ sharmishtha basu (25.12.2010)

In the end, i always request my regular readers to just once read this blog post:

Friday, February 5, 2010

hi! I am back!

Well, my old computer finally closed its cyber eyes on 18th Jan, after serving for two years and hiccuping for last six months or more.

I am back again with a new one. Wish me luck, lots of it, because i am computer addict and living without computer is really tough for me. but i survived. the courtsey goes to a tiny kitten who has been rescued and sheltered in my humble abode. she keeps me busy all day. busy and entertained.

those of you who have missed me please bear with me for another week because i will have to read your blogs and your comments :)

Wishing you all the very, very best.


  1. Dear Sister,

    I welcome you on your blog. I was really worried because of your absence from your blog.

    Although this post is not full of thoughts but still it's great because it provides me a great news that trisha is back!

    All the very very best to you too!!!

  2. my computer is a lifeline to me so i understand. glad you're back. sarah

  3. Thanks Trisha! This shows that you are back in shape and business! Long live your computer and long live you!

    Wish you the best!

  4. dearest brother,
    just a few days more. :) i will be back filling up the blog.
    with lots of affection.

  5. dear sarah,
    glad to meet another computer-addict :) its always a great feeling.
    i just dont know how people CAN survive without a computer.
    with lots of affection.

  6. dear shankha,
    thanks for both the wishes. the wish for my computer is very, very welcome. as for me, i dont have much plans of spending another decade in the world. beautiful trips should always be short :)
    with lots of affection and best wishes.
