Dear friends, Just wanted you all to know that I DONT USE FACEBOOK, ORKUT, SKYPE OR TWITTER most probably will never do that either........

Blogging is my hobby, i write because i love to write, till date I HAVE NOT USED MY BLOGS FOR ANY COMMERCIAL/BUSINESS PURPOSES. IF I DO IT IN FUTURE I WILL LET YOU KNOW.

Those of you who are my friends and want to leave some message for me can use my email id or better my blogs:;,;;
i update these blogs once every month.,;
- i update these blogs almost everyday ................ sharmishtha basu (25.12.2010)

In the end, i always request my regular readers to just once read this blog post:

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Pixie the local toughie

I don’t think he weights half a kilogram. But you should see his attitudes. Its so hard to resist giggles when he is at it.

He rolls his eyes (they are awesome) glares at me and tries to scare me. Whenever he thinks that I am crossing my limits.

He is sprawling on the bed, if I put down my palms on it he rolls his eyes, snorts and pounces on me. These days his nails don’t come out. He is slowly learning that. They are all playful way of intimidating a woman who is about hundred times as big as him I guess.

He hides behind the curtain and chases me if I look for him.

The funniest thing happens in dark, during power cuts he becomes a joker, pouncing on me from weirdest places.

I love it when he puckers his tiny mouth, rolls his eyes and snorts to scare me.

Anyone looking for an introduction about pixie can check the blog url


  1. Sister, Nice to meet your Pixie.

  2. Yeah! It's a really nice photograph of Pixie. He is cute! Thanks for sharing.
