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- i update these blogs almost everyday ................ sharmishtha basu (25.12.2010)

In the end, i always request my regular readers to just once read this blog post:

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Pixie A free bird

Today (26.04.10) I took the final decision, to leave him alone. I have set him free. Its dark outside and he is happily chasing a mole outside my window. I can hear the poor rodent squeaking and only a dumb kitten chases a mole. Cats are too smart to waste time after them.

I took the decision yesterday. He escaped through the kitchen window in the morning.

I thought he is gone for good. But a few minutes later I saw him running like crazy, frightened outside my window, so… I had to go out and rescue him. He fought tooth and nails (literally).

He escaped one more time through the kitchen window and two times I pulled him back right on the nick of time. After that I closed the kitchen door.

He spent the whole evening crying piteously. It resembles so much to crying babies that I decided that he will have to go.

After clearing my conscience I liberated him in the morning. After that he has showed up only twice.

Once panting piteously, being chased by another cat. And second time an hour or so ago. Just to take a peek inside I guess. His body language says it loudly that he wont be staying. I am happy that he is happy outside.

Well right now he is in, sitting in the window in a very foul mood. As he doesnot understand human language he did not understood the promise I made to him, I will let him out in the morning again. So he is sitting in the window in a very sulky mood.

He scampered in just a few minutes before a storm and sharp rain (Yippy for the rain).

Guess God gave me the sign too, after sending us relief from scorching heat. I felt like a demon all evening last evening.

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