There are two common ways of learning a lesson. First is the way eklavya learnt it, by seeing others getting trained, and the second way is the way Arjuna learned, directly by getting directly trained. Majority follow Arjuna’s path.
Now, those of you who don’t know the story of Eklavya let me brief it for you. It’s a mythological story in India. When Kaurava and Pandava’s were having their training in warfare from Dronacharya Eklavya used to see them. By that observation he learnt warfare a far better than any of Kaurava or Pandavas.
That’s what happened in real life too. Some of us learn from the lessons of other people and manage those situations in life with more expertise. And some people prefer hands on experience in place of learning by observation and honing one’s skill by oneself.
Being a learner I prefer learning from every thing. Direct or indirect ways. It’s true that we can’t blindly trust or follow others but we can keep their experiences in mind, at-least give them the benefit of doubt that they are truthful and their experiences genuine. We can never say, even the most weird things can turn out to be true. In that case if we blow them away we will easily slide in the trap when we face those circumstances. But if we give them benefit of doubt, high chances are that we will be saved from those traps.
Kingmaker 14 on 16th Jan 2011
14 years ago