I love this song by Anne Murray, “A little good news”, I wont go ahead to recite it word by word, the inner meaning of this song in gist is she will be very happy to see one fine day that no newspaper has any thing sad to publish, or no TV channel has any thing sad to broadcast, in place of that they are broadcasting all the parties in the town. What a blessed day that will be! I know you are also agreeing with me.
I know it’s the duty of the media to show us the truth, but is it necessary that it would be shown in such a horrifying manner, unnecessarily? I don’t know how many of you will agree with me, but those of you who are sensitive and have respect for life will agree that it sends a chill down our spine and screws up a long portion of our day when we see on the front page or any page blood smeared lifeless bodies, its irrelevant whether it belongs to human or animals.
If the idea is to deliver the news, that can be done without these horrible displays, and if they want to spread some message against violence, that can be done by words instead of gory illustrations. It doesnot makes one detest violence, it makes one habituated with it.
Will I be too wrong if I assume that its done because we have ceased to care for life? So many time we are forced to pass by dying people on pavements not because we are heartless but because we are extremely busy with earning our own bread. The same mindset is reflected in media, all they concentrate on is catching attention, doing their job. I have seen my father reading newspaper while eating but I never touch the newspaper before bracing myself up, or switch on the tv news when I am having dinner or breakfast or enjoying myself.
I know truth is often harsh, but the question which arises in my mind, after getting almost daily dose of my shock, is it really necessary to present these in such a harsh manner? I don’t know why, but I somehow feel that it is disrespect to the departed soul and torment to us.
We, who already have enough friction and turbulence in our personal life to make us distressed. These open display of morbidity only changes that distress to gloominess.
In the end, I too really would love to see a day like Anne Murray when no news media will have any thing sad to show, all they will have to do is spread a little happy thoughts.
Kingmaker 14 on 16th Jan 2011
14 years ago