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- i update these blogs almost everyday ................ sharmishtha basu (25.12.2010)

In the end, i always request my regular readers to just once read this blog post:

Friday, September 4, 2009

Saratchandra : a brave writer

Well, I guess every one has heard his name, atleast most of the people have courtsey multiple super hit movies made on his novels.

I think all his stories has been shot in bengali and everyone of them has made good impact on viewers. I appreciate him more as a writer. A brave, reformist writers. I have been reading his works since I was five or six years old.. no don’t smirk, he has written for every age group. I have read, re-read his works and the more I have read them the more I have become mesmerized by his mental strength, reformist mentality and power of creating magic by pen.

In one hand he portrays the pain of women.. widows, children of sex workers, sex workers.. on the other hand he portrays the steel which some women have in them, through all adversity. Their affectionate nature which fills up their entire being even when they are in dire straits. Different complexity of human nature, specially the nature of women.. their vices and their glories. Their rise and fall. I wonder if any other writer of indian origin has captured the mindset of women this perfectly.

I particularly love his character shodashi bhairavi.. a woman who was the priest of a village temple, the eyes of the lusty landlord fell on her and the surrounding village politics.. that woman inspires too much of my awe.. well my head simply bows to that woman of extraordinary mental strength and courage. There are some equally touching softer characters too, or the rebels like kamal, rajlakshmi, annada.. so many of them. somehow he had a strange capacity of giving his female characters a complete, normal yet above normal life.


  1. Trisha,
    Once again I would like to be the first to comment on this post. Well, all Bengali, who has been brought up as a "Bengali" has learned about his writing. I am afraid, most of the Non-Bengali people who have learned about his works through films, I doubt, have already forgot about him. I have seen all the Bollywood actors and actresses mixing up the writer with the old film directors who had created "Devdas" time and again. Also, some of them even overlooked his name and mentioned the director as the writer. What a shame.
    I definitely agree that he had the special style of writing which was very cool, easy and touching. Indeed, I follow his words while writing... he used to mention "I create characters... story comes automatically with them."
    Thanks for this post.

  2. some of his works has been translated in hindi too, though i dont know if they are available in stores or not.

    there was another thing in his works, his works guided a lot about family life.. specially his women were perfect family women.. i have learnt a lot from them.

    i have a very bad habit, i never read the biographies.. no matter how much i adore the writer, even now i dont know tagore's birth year and any other important year of his life, i have to check in google to know them.. thanks for sharing this info, thats why his characters are often so strong that the story depends on them.. like biprodas or sabyasachi.. I love quite a lot of his characters. :)

    i have read his entire collection more than twenty time and some of them more than forty time i guess..
